Maximize uptime with lifetime support
FANUC’s Service-First Philosophy encapsulates our commitment to service and our dedication to sustainability by extending product longevity.
In line with this, almost 50% of FANUC India’s engineers are dedicated to Services.Our Service Resource Center, managed by experienced product line experts from FANUC, delivers personalized services to customers across the country. We also offer a complete range of solutions for predictive, preventive and breakdown maintenance which helps elevate the customer experience.
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Parts Sales

FANUC India is a strategic part of FANUC's global service and support network of professionals.

We understand the importance of maximizing uptime, and therefore maintain an extensive inventory of spare parts so that they are available ex-stock. At any given point in time, FANUC India maintains USD 15 mn worth of FANUC Original Spare Parts, in warehouses across India. 99% of spare parts as well as stocks of consumables are supplied ex-stock against breakdown requirements.

Precise and extensive inventory planning and warehousing, supported by an efficient logistics network ensures that spare parts reach our customers on time.

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Repair and Maintenance

FANUC India offers a full-repair management service backed by unrivaled parts repair, even for parts older than 30 years. Many parts are available on exchange basis, with maintenance including full inspection, complete overhaul and refurbishment, software updates, washing and painting, backed by a 6-month FANUC warranty.

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Unique Contracts

FANUC provides customers with the most attractive follow-on contracts in the industry at the lowest cost in the world. Our customers can avail this immediately after the warranty period, resulting in low cost of ownership. This also includes spare parts and maintenance services.

Preventive Maintenance Contract
FANUC INDIA’s Preventive Maintenance Contract (PM-C) is applicable to companies having less than 15 CNC machines under a single roof. Offered to our customers at possibly the lowest cost in the world, it includes a health check of the machines as per standard FANUC inspection checklist along with on-the-job training on preventive maintenance at the customer site. Regular backups for CNC systems are also taken. Once done, an inspection report with recommendations is provided, with follow-up on concerns raised during the inspection.

PMC also includes discounts on consumables and replacement of consumable spares, at additional cost.

Customized Services

Recognizing that many customers also require customized solutions, we offer a whole range of individualized solutions with maintenance service packages that can help extend meantime between failures while maximizing uptime.

Fanuc India offers cost effective, customized service packages to all customers. These value added services help maintain our products in best working condition, enabling optimum utilization at all times. Delivered by highly experienced service engineers, the special tools we use and processes we follow are prescribed by FANUC Japan.

The customized packages include:

  • ROBOT overhaul
  • ROBODRILL overhaul
  • CNC Machine condition audit/health check
  • PCBs/Amplifiers washing and testing
  • Motor overhaul/reconditioning
  • Robot greasing supervision
  • Consumables planning support
  • Spare parts forecasting support
  • Option promotion
  • Product based maintenance training
  • Preventive maintenance training

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